Kids Clip Ons


Ladies Clip Ons

You have a shop and want to sell our jewellery? Get in touch with us to enquire about our Terms and Conditions and get the best prices.
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
You can also find a selection of our products on Ankorstore. Ankorstore has special promotions for buyers from time to time, like £150 off your first order! As Ankorstore is also very helpful with respect to shipping and dealing with customs, Ankorstore is our recommended option for wholesale at the moment.
Register below via the link to benefit from their special promotion.
Please note that we can not be held responsible for Ankorstore's offer. The offers may change at any time and our information presented here outdated. Please read their terms and conditions carefully and direct any questions to them to avoid misunderstandings and disappointment.
Our offers on Ankorstore are work in progress. If you are interested in certain products and can't find them on Ankorstore, then please get in touch with us and we will make those products available to you, if possible.